Is Lupus Curable?

Is Lupus Curable? Lupus is an autoimmune condition. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s tissues. This leads to chronic inflammation across various systems. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for lupus. The primary aim is to effectively manage its symptoms and enhance life quality for those with the illness. Various factors can spark lupus, including exposure to …

Abstract depiction of lupus cells and cancer cells overlapping

Is Lupus A Cancer?

When discussing conditions that affect the human body in profound ways, systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly known as lupus, often surfaces amidst concerns and misconceptions. A prevalent question that arises is the relationship between lupus and cancer. Although lupus echoes the severity of a health threat that cancer represents, it stands as a distinct autoimmune disease, not a malignancy. Unlike cancer’s characteristic uncontrolled cell …

A person with lupus holding a tattoo machine

Can A Person With Lupus Get A Tattoo?

Can A Person With Lupus Get A Tattoo? Living with lupus, an autoimmune disease, poses various challenges and questions for patients, including the safety of getting a tattoo. This article explores the effects of tattoos in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and their potential impact on lupus flare-ups, organ damage, and overall health. Key Takeaways: Understanding Lupus and Its Impact on Skin …