A woman with Lupus doing low-impact exercises, like swimming or yoga, in a calm and peaceful environment. The image should convey the idea that exercise can be beneficial for Lupus patients, improving their quality of life while avoiding flare-ups.

Does Exercise Make Lupus Worse?

Does Exercise Make Lupus Worse? Exercise is an important consideration for people with lupus in managing their symptoms. While some may wonder if exercise can make lupus worse, research suggests that regular physical activity can actually have numerous benefits for individuals with lupus. It can help improve joint flexibility, boost energy levels, alleviate stress, and improve overall well-being. However, it is important to approach exercise with a lupus-informed plan and consult with healthcare professionals …

A woman with lupus feeling self-conscious about her body odor.

Does Lupus Make You Smell Bad?

Does Lupus Make You Smell Bad? Engaging in day-to-day activities while living with lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), presents its unique challenges due to varied lupus symptoms that can affect an individual’s quality of life. Among the many possible symptoms that individuals are curious about is the concern related to body odor. Can an autoimmune disease like lupus contribute to bad body odor? It’s a sensitive topic that intertwines …

Abstract depiction of lupus cells and cancer cells overlapping

Is Lupus A Cancer?

When discussing conditions that affect the human body in profound ways, systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly known as lupus, often surfaces amidst concerns and misconceptions. A prevalent question that arises is the relationship between lupus and cancer. Although lupus echoes the severity of a health threat that cancer represents, it stands as a distinct autoimmune disease, not a malignancy. Unlike cancer’s characteristic uncontrolled cell …

A purple lupus ribbon with a dna helix

Is Lupus Hereditary?

Is Lupus Hereditary? Grasping the complex nature of lupus, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), starts with understanding its underlying causes. As a chronic autoimmune disease, lupus unfolds in various forms, frequently leaving those affected and their loved ones questioning, “is lupus hereditary?“ Through analysis of the genetics of lupus, researchers recognize that while it is not inherited in a simple Mendelian pattern, a family history may indeed elevate the risk …

A person sitting on a stomach with a vague outline of intestines in the background. The person appears to be in discomfort and clutches their gut.

Lupus and IBS – Does Lupus Affect the Gastrointestinal Tract?

Lupus and IBS – Does Lupus Affect the Gastrointestinal Tract? For many grappling with lupus, an autoimmune disease, the battle extends far beyond the typical manifestations of joint pain and fatigue. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), known for its unpredictable path into various bodily systems, frequently has profound implications for the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract—a complex group of organs that spans from your mouth …

A person with lupus holding a tattoo machine

Can A Person With Lupus Get A Tattoo?

Can A Person With Lupus Get A Tattoo? Living with lupus, an autoimmune disease, poses various challenges and questions for patients, including the safety of getting a tattoo. This article explores the effects of tattoos in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and their potential impact on lupus flare-ups, organ damage, and overall health. Key Takeaways: Understanding Lupus and Its Impact on Skin …

What is the ribbon color for lupus?

What is the ribbon color for lupus? The ribbon color for lupus awareness is purple. People use this color to show support for individuals living with lupus and to raise awareness about the disease. The purple ribbon has become a symbol of hope and solidarity within the lupus community. Key Takeaways: Introduction The lupus ribbon is colored purple as a symbol of awareness and …

Can Men Get Lupus?

Can Men Get Lupus? Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect anyone, regardless of gender. Although it is often associated with women, men can also develop lupus. Research suggests that approximately 1 in 10 people with lupus are male. Men with systemic lupus erythematosus may experience similar symptoms as women, but certain manifestations of the disease tend to be more severe in men. Some common symptoms of …

Is Lupus Contagious?

Is Lupus Contagious? Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects approximately 1.5 million Americans. It is important to address the misconception that lupus is contagious, as it’s not true. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the body. The exact cause of systemic lupus erythematosus is still unknown, but it is not transmitted from person to person like a contagious illness. Key Takeaways: …

Does Lupus Cause Brain Lesions?

Does Lupus Cause Brain Lesions? Lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is an autoimmune disease that can affect various organs in the body. When it affects the brain, it is referred to as neuropsychiatric lupus or neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE). NPSLE is a serious manifestation of lupus and can present with a range of symptoms, including headaches, “brain fog,” mood disorders, strokes, seizures, and confusion. The exact cause of neuropsychiatric lupus is not …