Is Lupus Curable?

Is Lupus Curable? Lupus is an autoimmune condition. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s tissues. This leads to chronic inflammation across various systems. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for lupus. The primary aim is to effectively manage its symptoms and enhance life quality for those with the illness. Various factors can spark lupus, including exposure to …

Blood donation and MS

Can you give blood if you have MS?

Can you give blood if you have MS? Navigating the health requirements for blood donation can often present a series of questions for individuals, particularly when conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) are a factor. Those wondering, “Can you give blood if you have MS?” may find that the intersection of multiple sclerosis and blood donor requirements isn’t as straightforward …

Woman in lupus remission

Can Lupus Go Into Remission?

Can Lupus Go Into Remission? Living with an autoimmune disease like systemic lupus erythematosus presents numerous challenges, but hope lies in understanding and managing lupus symptoms effectively. While a cure for lupus remains elusive, medical advancements have made it possible to attain periods of lupus remission. This state of complete remission means reduced disease activity, which can significantly enhance the quality …

The Mediterranean Diet For Lupus

Foods to Lower Inflammation From Lupus

Foods to Lower Inflammation From Lupus As someone living with lupus, I’ve learned that managing my diet is an indispensable component of my overall health strategy. Balancing nutrition to combat inflammation – a hallmark of lupus – is more than a mere dietary change; it’s a necessity. To share this understanding, I’ve explored a range of foods to lower inflammation, delving …

an image depicting the relationship between Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and weight gain.

Does Lupus Cause Weight Gain?

Does Lupus Cause Weight Gain? Living with an autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) comes with its fair share of health puzzles, one of which involves fluctuations in body weight. Determining the relationship between lupus and weight gain involves unraveling the complex interplay of lupus symptoms, inflammation, and the various treatments employed, including corticosteroids. If you’re grappling with …

A purple lupus ribbon intertwined with a DNA helix

Is Lupus Genetic?

Is Lupus Genetic? When diving into the vast and intricate world of autoimmune diseases, it is essential to consider the genetic intricacies underlying their manifestation. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), more commonly known as lupus, is a prime example of a condition that threads through the complex interplay between genetics and environment. Characterized by an array of lupus symptoms such as …

Image representing lupus and a community of support

Can You Die From Lupus?

Can You Die From Lupus? The question of whether people with lupus can live a normal life post-lupus diagnosis is both critical and complex. As an autoimmune disease, systemic lupus erythematosus presents unique challenges to those it affects. While it is true that lupus may lead to serious health issues like kidney failure, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease, advancements in medical research and treatment have positively influenced lupus life expectancy. A comprehensive understanding of …

A close up view of a blood test to help diagnose lupus

How Is Lupus Diagnosed?

How Is Lupus Diagnosed? Diagnosing lupus can be a complex process, as the symptoms vary widely among individuals and may overlap with those of other disorders1. No single test can definitively diagnose lupus2; instead, healthcare providers rely on a combination of blood and urine tests, physical examination findings, and a thorough assessment of signs and symptoms to reach a diagnosis1. …

An image showing the progression of Lupus over time

Understanding Stages of Lupus – A Guide

Understanding Stages of Lupus – A Guide As someone who’s navigated the uncertain waters of lupus, I’ve learned the importance of education and early detection. Systemic lupus erythematosus stages range from mild symptoms to more severe cases, making lupus progression a tailored, individual experience that fluctuates with time. When I first noticed the early signs of lupus on my skin and experienced unusual fatigue, it became …

Hairbrush from a woman with lupus

Understanding Lupus and Hair Loss: Causes & Care

Understanding Lupus and Hair Loss: Causes & Care As someone navigating the unpredictable waters of an autoimmune disease, I’m all too familiar with the distressing symptom of hair loss that comes with lupus, a chronic condition known medically as systemic lupus erythematosus. Countless others who are also grappling with lupus can attest to the emotional toll it takes—witnessing the transformation of healthy hair …